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All About Mahaprabhu Shri Hita Harivansh

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Introduction :

Hit Harivansh Mahaprabhu was an unparallel author of four works: Radha Sudha Nidhi (Treasure of Radha’s Delights, 270 Sanskrit

couplets, Hit Chaturasi (84 Stanzas) in Hindi, Yamunashtak (Eight couplets in Sanskrit in the praise of Yamuna) and sphut Vani (Miscellaneous couplets). The greatness of Hit Harivansh Mahaprabhu’s works depends on the fusion of natural phenomenon with the greatest of Divine Lovers Radha and Krishna and their emotional reactions to love are first three couplets from Radha Sudha Nidhi.

1- “Hail to the home of Vrishbhanu’s daughter, by whom once and again even Madhusudan-whose ways are scarce intelligible to the greatest sages-was made happy, as she playfully raised the border of her robe and fanned him with its delicious breeze.”

2- “Hail to the Majesty of Vrishbhanu’s daughter, the Holy dust of whose lotus feet, beyond the conception of Brahma, Siva and other Gods, is altogether supernaturally glorious, and whose glance moistened with compassion is like a shower of the refined essence of all good things.

3- “I call to mind the dust of the feet of Radhika, a powder of infinite virtue, that incontinently and at once reduces to subjection the great power, that was beyond the ken even of Brahma, Rudra, Sukadeva, Narada, Bhishma and the other divine personages.

” Another collection, “Hit Chaturasi”, authored by Sri Hit Harivansh Mahaprabhu in Hindi, is much more popular, and most of the followers of RadhaVallabh sect know at least some of its stanzas by heart. Here we subjoin the text sampling three couplets from “Hit Chaturasi”:

1- “Shri Radha and Mohan are such a dainty pair, He dark and beautiful as the blue sapphire, She with body of golden luster; Hari with a ’tilak’ on his broad forehead and the Fair with a ‘roli’ streak amidst tresses of her hair; the Lord like a stately elephant in gait and the daughter of Vrishabhanu like an elephant queen; the Damsel in a blue vesture and Mohan in yellow with a red ‘khaur’ on His foe head; Rejoice Sri Hit Harivansh! Radha’s amorous Lord is dyed deep with love’s colors.”

2- “The pavilion is a bright and charming spot; Radha and Hari are in glistening attire and the full-orbed autumnal moon is resplendent in the heaven. The dark-hued swain and nymph of golden sheen, as they toy together, show like lightning’s flash and sombre cloud. In saffron vesture He and She in scarlet; their affection deep beyond compare; and the air, cool, soft and laden with perfumes. Their couch is made of softest leaves and blossoms and He woos her in dulcet tones, while coyly the fair one repulses His every advance. Love tortures Mohan’s soul, as He touches her bosom, or waistband, or wreath, and timorously she cries’ off, off’.

See Harahan, pleasant is the sporting of the glorious Lord, close-locked in oft repeating embrace, and like an earth reviving river is the flood of His passion.” In another couplet, both the above and this one blessed by Sri Hit Harivansh Mahaprabhu to Narvahan, his first disciple at Vrindaban, who was a local chieftain but terror to people of the area. His life was reformed soon he met Shri Hit Harivansh Mahaprabhu. It is a rare and unparallel gesture on the part of Guru (Preacher) that he as author of devotional couplets blesses his disciple with his two couplets praising the Divine glory. This couplet (as translated) is:

“Come Radha, you knowing one, your paragon of lovers has started to dance on the bank of the Yamuna’s stream. Bevies of damsels are dancing in all the abandonment of delight; the joyous pipe gives forth a stirring sound. Near the Vanshi Bat, a sweetly pretty spot, where the  spicy air breathes with delicious softness, where the half-opened jasmine fills the world with overpowering fragrance, beneath the clear radiance of the autumnal moon, the milkmaids with ruptured eyes are gazing on your glorious Lord; see Narvahan, all beautiful from head to foot, quick to remove love’s every pain.

But your arms about His neck, fair Dame, pride of the world, and lapped in the bosom of the Ocean of delight, disport yourself with Shyam in His blooming bower.” The Idol of Sri RadhaVallabh was taken to Kama Van, in Rajasthan, out of fear of attacking forces of Aurangzeb where it remained for about 120 years and then about two hundred fifty years ago installed at the present temple, at VRINDAVAN.

With regard to music, there is an interesting axis that begins in the Garbh grah (Inner Sanctum) where Couplets from Radha Sudha Nidhi are chanted by Adhikari or his nominee (who are repositories of much of the tradition), passes into the courtyard of the temple where Dhrupad composition are sung daily accompanied by traditional drum known as ‘Pakhawaj’.

Men, head of the group known as “Mukhia”, sing these compositions, written by Saint-Poets of the sect at “Samaj”. These compositions include devotional songs of praise; congratulatory songs etc., and are composed in different Ragas and Raginis according to season and time.

It may be mentioned here that RadhaVallabh temple had acquired considerable proficiency in the classical devotional music “Dhrupad” and VRINDAVAN was a prominent centre of Samaj performance by the followers of Goswami Hit Harivansh Mahaprabhu who was himself eminent composer of devotional classical music and a music maestro. The “Padas” sung from “Vanis” (Devotional compositions of various renowned followers of the Sect) have affinity with Dhrupad style of music, both in its structure and mode of recital.

Goswami Shri Hit Rooplal of the Radhavallabh sect Himself describes the appearance of Shri Hita Harivansh Mahaprabhu which He saw during the eternal pastimes of the divine couple Shri Radha Krishn –

Vyasnandan Vyasnandan Vyasnandan Gaiye.

Jaako Hit Naam Let Dampati Rati Paiye.

Raas Madhy Lalitadik Prarthna Ju Kinheen.

Kar Te Sukumari Pyari Vanshi Tab Dinheen.

Soi Kali Pragat Roop Vanshi Vapu Dhaaryau.

Kunj Bhavan Raas Ravan Tribhuvan Vistaaryau.

Gokul Raaval Su Thaam Baad Nikat Raaje.

Vidit Premraasi Janam Rasikan Hit Kaaje.

Tinako Piy Naam Sahit Mantr Diyau Shri Radhe.

Sat-Chit-Aanand Roop Nigam Agam Saadhe.

Shri Vrindavan Dham Tarani Jaasu Teer Vaasi.

Shri Radhapati Rati Anany Karat Nit Khavaasi.

Adbhut Hari Ju Ko Vansh Bhanat Naam Shyama.

Jay Shri Rooplaal Hit Chit Dai Paayau Vishrama.

– Shri Hit Rooplal Ji

The nectar of the eternal divine pastimes of Shri Shyamashyam is flowing continuously. Once Shri Lalita Ju, the head Sakhi of Shri Shyama Ju, thought that “How can this divine nectar be accessible to human beings on earth.” Thinking so, Shri Lalita Ju looked at Shri Radha Ju with prayerful glances in the middle of Maharaas. Shri Shyama Ju looked at Shri Shyamsundar with a sweet-hearted look, then Shri Shyamsundar understood the agony of Shri Shyama Ju’s heart and gave His flute to Shri Radha, which is the source of nectar. Pyari Ju gave the flute to Lalita Ju and said “O Lalita, both you and this flute together should reveal our eternal divine pastimes.” That flute of Shri Radha appeared in the form of Shri Hit Harivansh Mahaprabhu in Baad village in the Braj province, which is near to the Rawal village, the birthplace of Shri Radharani and spread this divine sweet eternal pastimes in all the three worlds. Shri Lalita Ju appeared in the form of Shri Swami Haridas Ju in Rajpur village of Vrindavan.

Foreword :

Devavan is a village in the Saharanpur district of Uttar Pradesh, where the son of Shri Tapan Mishra, the great scholar of astrology, Yajurvediya Gaur Brahmin Shri Vyas Mishra lived, whose gotra was Kashyap.

Vyas Mishra was a famous astrologer of that time and through this knowledge, he had obtained ample of wealth. Gradually His fame reached to the then Emporer of Delhi and he invited Vyas Mishra with great respect. Vyas Mishra met the emperor with four coconuts. After talking to him, the emperor was enchanted by his qualities, and appointed Vyas Mishra as his advisor by giving him the pay of four thousand and started keeping Vyas Ji with him forever. Vyas Mishra’s prosperity increased greatly and he started living with royal magnificence.

There was only one intense longing in the happy life of Vyas Mishra that He had no child. He and his wife Tararani were always sad because of this. Vyas Mishra Ji had twelve brothers, of whom one Nrisimhashram Ji was in the renounced order. Nrisimhashram Ji was a great devotee, and many stories of his marvels were prevalent in the world. Despite being detached, he had affection for Vyas Ji, and sometimes he used to come to meet him. Once seeing Vyas Mishra and Tararani sorrowful even in prosperity, he asked the reason for this. Vyas Mishra told his desire for the child is the cause of sadness and expressed his intense desire to get a ‘great devotee’ son in front of Nrisinhashram Ji. Nrisimhashram Ji replied “Brother, you are an astrologer yourself. You should understand your destiny and live a contented life.”

Hearing this, Vyas Ji became silent, but his wife asked firmly, “If everything happens according to the fate, then what is your glory in this?” This time Nrisinghashram Ji could not answer and left from there.”

Going to a lonely forest, Nrisinghashram Ji meditated on his worshipful deity and requested Him to fulfill the wishes of Vyas Mishra. In the night’s dream, Lord gave him a message that “Lord Hari himself will appear in the house of Vyas Mishra along with his flute to fulfill your true desire.” Nrisinhashram Ji narrated this message to Vyas Mishra and hearing this, there was no place for the happiness of Vyas Mishra and Tararani.

Birth :

Emperor used to keep Vyas Ji with him everywhere. Even at the time of the birth of Shri Hit Harivansh, Vyas Mishra was with the emperor along with his wife and stayed in Braj. At the same time, in a village named ‘Baad’, 5 miles away from Mathura, Shri Hit Harivansh was born on the 11th day of bright-fortnight in the month of Vaishakh (April-May), 1559 in very early morning. The auspicious signs which are usually manifested in the world when the great devotees takes birth happened with the birth of Shri Hit Harivansh as well. Love, happiness, and peace were spread spontaneously among all the people. The forests of Braj became green, the flowers started blooming in the vines, the dry lakes were filled with water, the fragrance pervaded the atmosphere, lightning started shining in the sky, light raindrops started falling, the atmosphere became pleasant, the hearts of Brajwasis suddenly filled with love and joy, birds started making sweet sounds, peacocks started dancing.

The appearance of Shri Radha Sudha Nidhi Ji :

When Shri Harivansh Ji was 6 months old, verses in Sanskrit started being quoted from his mouth, which Shri Nrisimhashram Ji present there listened. They were not ordinary verses, but were related to the divine Nikunj pastimes of Shri Shyamashyam. This continued for many days and when the number of verses reached 270, the verses stopped being quoted from the mouth of Shri Harivansh Ji. Shri Nrisinhashram Ji wrote all those 270 verses in the book, which was named “Shri Radhasudhanidhi”.

Childhood pastimes :

Shri Hit Harivansh’s father Shri Vyas Ji had come for the purpose of Braj Darshan. He visited the places of divine pastimes and after staying in Braj for six months, went to Devavan. At the time of the naming ceremony, astrologers predicted that this child will do many wonderful deeds. The predictions were based on the birth chart of the child, so they also turned out to be completely true. The description of many miraculous works of the child Harivansh during his infancy is found in many texts written by Rasikas. Seeing Shri Harivansh doing simple children’s play with his friends, a devotee named Gyanu started having disbelief in the words of the astrologers. So one day with the aim of clearing his doubts, he went to take the examination of the child Harivansh, but in the playful activities, Shri Harivansh showed the eternal Kunj pastimes of Shri Radha Krishn. Having darshan of Shri Shyamashyam, Gyanu left his body and entered Nikunj Palace.

The appearance of Shri Navrangilal Ji:

Once in the night, Shri Radha ordered Hit Harivansh that “There is a well in the garden in which, our two-armed form carrying flute in the hand is lying there, take Him out and serve Him by establishing Him with my gaadi (throne).” On the second day, Shri Harivansh Ji jumped into the well and from there brought out a black-colored two-armed Deity with a flute in His hand. By placing that Deity in a newly built temple with the throne of Shri Radha, Harivansh Ji started his service system without any prohibition of the scriptures. The child Harivansh named that Deity ‘Rangilal’; Who is still seated in the temple in Devavan. The memorial of this event, that well also known as ‘Harivansh Chah’ is seen even today. This incident happened when Shri Harivansh Ji was seven years old.

Education :

It is unknown when and from which scholars, Shri Harivansh Ji received education. But it is known from the texts named ‘Hita Chaurasi’ and ‘Sphut Vani’ and Sanskrit works like ‘Radhasudhanidhi’ and ‘Yamunashtak’ that He must have received the highest education in Sanskrit grammar, literature, music, astrology, Vedas and Puranas. All four of his works prove this fact.

Spiritual Master of Shri Harivansh Ji and initiation :

According to the texts composed by the Rasikas, Shri Harivansh Ji’s favored goddess Shri Radha gave him the Mantra.

Ek Divas Sovat Sukh Lahyau . Shri Radhe Supane Mein Kahyau.

Dvaar Tihaare Peepar Jo Hai. Unchi Daar Sabani Mein Sohai.

Taamai Arun Patr Ik Nyaarau. Jaamen Jugal Mantr Hai Bhaarau.

Lehu Mantr Tum Karahu Prakaash. Rasikajanani Ki Pujavahu Aash.

– Shri Hit Charitr, Uttamdas Ji 

Vyasnandan Vyasnandan Vyasnandan Gaiye.

Tinako Piy Naam Sahit Mantr Diyau Shri Radhe.

Sat-Chit-Anand Roop Nigam Agam Saadhe.

– Shri Hit Rooplal Ji

Shri Harivansh Ji himself, in his composition named ‘Radhasudhanidhi’ and “Hit Chaurasi”, has remembered Shri Radha as his favored deity as well as spiritual master at many places.

Yasyaah Kadaapi Vasanaanchal Khelanottha,

Dhanyaati Dhany Pavanen Kritaarth Maani.

Yogindra Durgam Gatirmadhusudanopi,

Tasya Namostu Vrishbhanu Bhuvanodishepi.

Rahau Kou Kaahu Manahi Diye.

Mere Prannath Shrishyama Shapath Karaun Trin Chhiye.

One day Shri Harivansh Ji was sleeping in the night, then Shri Radha ordered him in a dream “There is a wonderful red leaf on the highest branch of the Peepal tree (Ficus religiosa) in front of your house, it has Yugal Mantra in it, accept it and spread in the Rasik devotees.”

After receiving this order, Shri Harivansh Ji took down that red leaf from the branch of Peepal tree in the morning and distributed the secret Mantra among the Rasik devotees.

In this way, Shri Harivansh Ji was initiated by Shri Radha Herself. So the spiritual master of Shri Harivansh Ji is Shri Radha.

Shri Radha gave “Hita” impression to Shri Harivansh Ji :

When Shri Harivansh Ji resided in Devavan, Shri Radha himself appeared and gave the impression of “Hita” [हित] to Shri Harivansh Ji. Since then the name of Shri Harivansh Ji became Hita Harivansh. “Hita” means love.

Rasamay Kare Charit Parashansh. Jagaguru Vidit Shri Harivansh.

Shri Radha Anugrah Kiyau. Shri Mukh Mantr Niju Kar Diyau.

Dayita Krishn Jinake Isht. Puni Guru Bhaav Preeti Garisht.

Dini Reejh Hita Ki Chhaap. Ta Kari Badhyau Bhakti Prataap.

– Chacha Vrindavan Das Ji

Upanayana rites, education, and marriage :

At the age of eight, the Upanayana ceremony of Shri Harivansh took place. At this age, his intellect was sharper than normal children and his perception power was miraculous. With his affection and courtesy, he had established a good circle of friends around him in his childhood. His playful activities with these children were extraordinary. Often depending on the devotion of the Lord, he used to play some game or the other. He also had a natural interest in doing worship of the Lord and he had described the greatness of Mahaprasad to his childhood friends. His unique attitude towards Ekadashi fast was revealed at this age. Gradually, due to his unique spirit and service-worship, he became famous in the neighboring region and the arrival of the devotees started coming to him. The description of the miracles he performed in this age is mentioned in the various texts of Rasikas.

At the age of sixteen, Shri Harivansh was married to Rukmini Devi. Even after entering the householder life, he did not change his religious allegiance. While performing all the duties of the household, he remained a true devotee and a saint. There was neither detachment in his mind towards this life nor did he have any kind of inferiority complex towards it. His married life was happy and perfect. He had all kinds of opulence and luxuries, but because of no attachment towards that, he was never anxious, distracted, or indulged in it.

From Rukmini Devi, a daughter, and three sons were born to Shri Harivansh. The eldest son Shri Vanchandra Ji was born in 1585, the second son Shri Krishnachandra Ji in 1587, the third son Shri Gopinath Ji in 1588, and the daughter Sahib De in 1589. Shri Harivansh Ji’s mother Tararani died in 1589 and his father Shri Vyas Mishra’s disappearance happened in 1590. After the death of the parents, this feeling came to the mind of Shri Harivansh Ji that somehow by going to the place of pastimes of the Lord and engrossed in the devotional system there, one’s life would definitely be successful. At the same time, being impressed by his fame, the then king of Delhi sent a warm invitation to invite him to his court, but he had accepted the invitation of the Lord’s divine place in his conscience, so he rejected the king’s invitation. And in one verse sent this answer that since the beginning of the universe, Kings of the earth, Kings of heavens, Lord Brahma, etc have been afflicted by Maya, so it is advisable to devote one’s life to the Lord by being absorbed in His Lotus Feet.

Departure for Vrindavan on the orders of Shri Radha :

At the age of thirty-two, Shri Radha ordered Shri Hita Harivansh to reside in Vrindavan and preach the devotional method of worship. On receiving this order, Shri Hita Ji left for Vrindavan. He asked Rukmini Ji to accompany him but she could not come along.

After departing from Devavan, Hita Harivansh had a vision of Shri Radha on the way and She told him that “a village named Chirthaval will come on your way ahead, in that village if any Brahmin named ‘Atmadev’ wanted to marry his two daughters with you, accept it. This marriage will not create any kind of disturbance in your path of devotion. Through this marriage, you will establish the ideal of married life.” At the same time, Shri Radha said to him in that dream that “You will get a deity of mine (in the form of Radhavallabh Ji) which you will take to Vrindavan and establish in the temple.” A similar dream happened to that Brahmin named Atmadev, who was a resident of the same Chirthaval village. After this dream, Shri Harivansh Ji proceeded on his journey and reached the village (Chirthaval) in which a Brahmin named Atmadev lived. He had two young daughters and on the basis of the description in the dream, he was constantly waiting for the arrival of Shri Harivansh Ji. As soon as He arrived, Atmadev prayed to Harivansh Ji to accept his two daughters, which He gladly accepted. The names of these girls were Krishnadasi and Manoharidasi. After staying for some time in Chirthaval village, Shri Harivansh Ji started his journey and reached Vrindavan on the day of Ekadashi in the month of Falgun (Feb-Mar) in 1590. On reaching there, Harivansh Ji stayed at a place called Madanter in Vrindavan. This place is still famous in Vrindavan. At the same time, Shri Harivansh built a Kunj of creepers for Shri Radhavallabh Ji and established Him, and started His service.

Discovering Panchkosi [apprx 10 km] Vrindavan :

At the time when Shri Harivansh Ji came to Vrindavan, it was a dense forest of creepers and vines which were in the form of a massive pool full of flowers and fruits. This forest was embossed with the chirping of birds like cuckoo, parrot, Stork, Swan, etc., and was surrounded by the Yamuna all around. Somewhere the Brajwasis were definitely visible who had come for the Yamuna bath on the neutral high mounds. All the people of Braj felt very astonished and heartfelt when it was learned by Shri Harivansh that he would live in this dense forest. Giving the arrow command in the hand of Shri Harivansh, Brajwasis said “Gusain Ji, you shoot the arrow, as far as your arrow reaches, the land will be yours.” It was only because of the sweet influence of Shri Harivansh Ji that the minds of these Brajwasis with thug instincts got completely changed and they agreed to provide land to Shri Harivansh in Vrindavan. At the behest of Brajwasis, Shri Harivansh Ji released the arrow and it fell at a considerable distance. From where Shri Harivansh Ji released the arrow, he made his residence at the same place, and the place where the arrow fell, became famous as ‘Tir Ghat’ and later ‘Cheer Ghat’.

Enchanted by the divine form of Shri Harivansh Ji, the residents of Braj started coming for darshan, and soon the news of his arrival spread in the nearby villages.

When Shri Harivansh Ji came to Vrindavan, at that time Vrindavan was a thick forest. There lived a dacoit named Narvahan due to which no one would come there even during the day. He had made his authority over the entire Braj region through his power. Even great kings were afraid of his power. Even Emporer of Delhi had no control over Narvahan. When Narvahan came to know through his spies that such a miraculous great man had come in this deserted forest scattered with violent animals; By whose sweet influence the intellect and mind of the violent animals and the thugs, dacoits living in the premises of the uninhabited forest have changed and they have all been engaged in the service of that great man. So one-day Narvahan also came to the residence of Shri Harivansh Ji with the view of curiosity. At that time Shri Harivansh Ji was engaged with his disciples and Brajwasis and was doing some conversations with a disciple named ‘Naval’. Even Narvahan could not remain untouched by the sweet influence of Shri Harivansh Ji. Hearing the conversation, he felt very sorry for his past deeds. Expressing his heartfelt sorrow, he requested Shri Harivansh Ji to take him into the shelter.

Listening to his sincere voice, Shri Harivansh Ji gave Mantra as well as preaching, which changed his life radically. Due to this change in the life of a dreaded robber like Narvahan, it became easy for everyone to reside in Panchkosi (10km) Vrindavan. As a result, the saints residing in the villages of great Vrindavan such as Nandgaon, Barsana, Radhakund, and Sanket, etc. also started residing in this Panchkosi (10km) Vrindavan as revealed by Shri Harivansh Ji. Before this, all the devotees were unaware of this Panchkosi (10km) Vrindavan.

Shri Harivansh Ji established Shri Radhaballabhalal Ji in the newly-built temple of creepers and vines at the same place from where he had thrown the arrow and started doing Ashtyami (8 times) service of Shri Radhaballabhlal Ji by residing close to the temple. He continued to serve in this newly built temple until the new temple was built by King Narvahan. King Narvahan had built a new temple of Shri Radha Vallabhlal Ji at the same place where Shri Harivansh Ji’s family used to reside. After the construction of the new temple, on the 13th day of the bright fortnight in the month of Kartik (Oct-Nov) in 1591, Shri Harivansh Ji made Shri Radha Vallabhalal Ji seated in it and celebrated Patotsav with a special ceremony.

Many saints resided in Gokul, Govardhan, Nandgaon and Barsane. At that time Govardhan, Nandgaon and Barsana were also considered great Vrindavan. Shri Harivansh Ji revealed many places of pastimes here and fixed the boundary of Vrindavan as Panchkosi (10 km). Vrindavan Prakatya Utsav (appearance day of Vrindavan) is also celebrated on the same day.

Shri Hita Harivansh blessed Shri Narvahan Ji :

Rahen Bhauganv Nanv Narbaahan Sadhusewi, Looti Layi Naav, Jaaki Bandikhaanai Diyau Hai.

Laundi Aavai Dain Kachhu, Khaayve Ko, Aayi Daya, Ati Akulayi Lai, Upaay Yah Kiyau Hai.

Bolau Radhavallabh Au, Levau Harivansh Naam, Poochai Shishya Naam Kahau, Poochi Naam Liyou Hai.

Dai Mangvaya Vastu, Rakhiyo Durai Baat, Aay Das Bhayo, Kahi Reejhi Pad Diyau Hai.

– Shri Bhaktamal (419)

Shri “Narvahan” Ji, a disciple of Shri Harivansh Ji, lived in “Bhaigaon”. He was a landlord and dacoit. Once while carrying lakhs of rupees in a boat, a merchant was going from the Yamuna. Narvahan looted everything, and put that merchant in the prison. A maid used to go to the prison to give food to that merchant. Once, seeing the plight of the merchant, there was a lot of pity in the heart of that maid, then she told a remedy that “Chant loudly, “Radhavallabh Shriharivansh!” Chant this name continuously. If anyone asks, then say that I am a disciple of Shri Harivansh Ji.” That merchant did the same and started uttering the name “Radhavallabh Shriharivansh” with a loud voice. When Narvahan Ji heard this, he went to that merchant and asked, “Why do you keep chanting this name?” That merchant said, “I am a disciple of Shri Harivansh Ji.” King Narvahan was very devoted to his spiritual master. On hearing this, Narvahan freed that merchant and returned his money, and said that “Don’t reveal this to Shri Harivansh Ji.” The merchant soon went to Shri Vrindavan and became a disciple of Shri Hit Harivansh Ji and also narrated his story, “Narvahan Ji looted me and put me in jail, so I took your name and lied that “I am your disciple.” Hearing this, Narvahan Ji freed me and returned all my wealth.”

Hearing this, Shri Harivansh Ji was pleased and bestowed the love of the Lotus Feet of the Lord to both of them. Shri Harivansh Ji composed two poems by giving “Narvahan” impression on the devotion of Shri Narvahan Ji and kept it in his “Chaurasi” book and got Shri Narvahan Ji had darshan of Shri Radha Krishn’s eternal divine pastimes.

Establishing new principles and methods of service :

The worshipful deity of Shri Harivansh Ji was not the Lord full of 6 opulence, but full of sweet form and nectar, the divine couple Shri Shyamashyam, the supreme personality and the master of millions of opulence.

Worship of God is possible only through Vedic legislation, but the service of the melodious divine couple, Shri Radhavallabhalal Ji is possible only through love. That is why Shri Harivansh Ji served his affectionate Shri Radha Vallabhlal Ji in many ways according to the time. It was through this method of service that He introduced seven bhog (food offerings) and five aarti rituals ‘Ashtayami Seva (eightfold service)’ devoid of Vedic laws. He also established ‘Utsavik Seva (service with ceremonies)’ of the seasonal festivals [Vasant, Holi, Horidol, Jalvihar, Pavas, Jhula and etc.]. Along with this, through his conduct and composition, he also showed the way to serve through conscience.

Discovering the places of eternal [Keli] pastimes :

Shri Harivansh Ji had introduced such a Vrindavan, which despite being present, was rare even to the gods, sages, and great Vaishnavas. That is why this Vrindavan remained in supreme mystery and will remain so. Discovering such places of pastimes in Vrindavan was also necessary from many points of view. Therefore, Shri Harivansh Ji also revealed those places of pastimes, which are not mentioned in the Puranas like Shrimad Bhagwat, etc. The appearance of these places of pastimes is the origin of Panchkosi (10km) Vrindavan and which are the introduction and direct symbol of Vrindavan in the form of mystery. The places of pastimes revealed by Shri Harivansh Ji in Panchkosi Vrindavan are – Raasmandal, Sewakunj, Vanshiwat, Dhirasamir, Mansarovar, Hindol Sthal, Shringarvat, and Van Vihar.

Namo Jayati Jamuna Vrindavan.

Namo Nikunj Kunj Sewa, Hit Mandal Raas, Dol, Anandghan.

Namo Pulin Vanshivat, Rasamay Dheersameer, Subhag Bhuv Khelan.

Namo-Namo Jai Mansarovar Sukh Upajaavan Dampati Ke Man.

Namo-Namo Drum Beli Khag-Mrig Je-Je Pragat Gopy Shri Kaanan.

Namo Jayati Hit Swamini Radha Albeli Albelau Mohan.

– Shri Albelisharan Ji

Discovering theatric Raas Pastimes :

The form of divine nectar and love, Shri Shyamashyam are naturally fond of Raas dance and dalliance. Love for Raas dance and dalliance is the manifest symbol of their nature. That is why while blessing them, Shri Harivansh Ji says that this couple should always perform Raas and dalliance –

Nav Nikunj Abhiram Shyam Sang Neeko Banyo Hai Samaaj.

Jai Shri Hita Harivansh Vilas Raas Jut Jori Avichal Raaju.

Sakhis of Shri Radha drink this nectar of Raas pastime through their eyes. In order to fulfill the purpose of Rasikas situated in Sakhi form, also able to get the taste of this Raas-dalliance through direct darshan, Shri Harivansh Ji introduced the imitation of this eternal Raas pastime of Shri Shyamashyam. Sakhis of Shri Radha drink this nectar of Raas pastime through their eyes. In order to fulfill the purpose of Rasikas situated in Sakhi form, also able to get the taste of this Raas-dalliance through direct darshan, Shri Harivansh Ji introduced the imitation of this eternal Raas pastime of Shri Shyamashyam. This imitation of the eternal Raas pastime that takes place in Vrindavan was unseen and completely new to the liberated people, the devotees, and the beloved of Govind. This was an imitation of the eternal Raas pastime, which is seen only by Sakhis of Shri Radha, in contrast to the Maharaas that take place in the Bhagavatam. This theatric Raas pastime was inaugurated by Shri Harivansh Ji around 1592, on the Raas Mandal constructed in Vrindavan’s Chain Ghat [present name Govind Ghat]. The Brajwasi children were dressed in the garb of Shyama-Shyam and companions.

Once in this Raasmandal, the anklet of the Lotus Feet of Shri Radha was broken in the middle of Maharaas and Shri Hariram Vyas Ji present there had intertwined the anklet with his Yagyopaveet (sacred thread) and placed it at the Lotus Feet of Shri Priya Ji.

Establishing Samajgayan [service through music] :

When divine love reaches its peak, the waves of Raaga arise in the heart. Shri Shyamashyam are the form of divine love. This is the reason why they are very fond of Raaga. Sometimes Shri Shyamsundar pleases Shri Priya by singing along with Her by playing His flute, and sometimes Shri Priya Ji pleases Her beloved by her melodious singing and Veena playing. Similarly, the Sakhis entertain the divine couple by singing melodious songs from time to time, sometimes in the morning, sometimes in the evening, and sometimes in the night.

Rasik devotees situated in their eternal Sakhi form could also likewise please the divine couple by the lyrical rendition of Raas pastimes and could experience the nectar of Vrindavan, Shri Harivansh Ji propounded the innovative and original singing method of ‘Samaj Gayan’. Here it is absolutely unforgettable that he gave birth to this original singing system by making the vocal music of Samaveda alphabetical and also invented those specific ‘tunes’ by binding the lyrical verses related to Raas pastimes in a particular tune; Which are still protected by tradition by the singers of Radhavallabh sect.

Disciples :

Shri Hita Harivansh Ji had many disciples, among them the disciples mentioned in ‘Rasikananyamal’ composed by Bhagwat Mudit Ji are mentioned below –

Shri Narvahan, Hariram Vyas, Chhabiledas, Naharmal, Beethaldas, Mohandas, Navaldas, Haridas Tuladhar, Haridas Ji [uncle of Karmaithi Bai], Parmananddas, Prabodhanand Saraswati, Karmathi Bai, Sevak Ji, Khargasena, Ganga, Jamuna, Purandas , Kishor, Santadas, Manohar, Khem, Balkrishna, Gyanu, Gopaldas Nagar, etc.

Compositions :

The following are the texts composed by Shri Harivansh Ji –

1: Shri Radhasudhanidhi

This is a Sanskrit text whose verse number is 270. Various Nikunja Pastimes of Shri Radhakrishn are described in this book, and verses of desire and prayers are also included.

2: Shri Yamunashtak

Shri Yamunashtak is an Ashtak composed in Sanskrit, whose verse number is 9. It describes the fame and worship of Shri Yamuna Ji.

3: Shri Hita Chaurasi

Shri Hita Chaurasi is a text composition in Braj language in which 84 verses are compiled. Nikunj pastimes of Shri Shyamashyam are described in this book.

4: Sphut Vani

In this book, 24 verses are compiled in Braj language, in which there are verses of Siddhant (law), Aarti, Shri Shyamashyam’s Nikunj pastimes, etc.

Apart from these 4 compositions, 2 letters of Shri Harivansh Ji which are written in Braj language in prose.

Disappearance :

Jaikrishna Ji, while describing the disappearance of Shri Harivansh Ji, has written that –

There is a Bhandirvat which is situated near Mansarovar on the banks of Shri Yamuna Ji. There is a beautiful Nikunj named ‘Bhavarni Bhawan’ with beautiful flowers. In this Nikunj, Shyama-Shyam performs secret Raas pastimes. In the full moon night of Ashwin (October), intoxicated in the divine love, Shri Shyamashyam were swinging, roaming, and the radiance of their divine limbs were making the radiance of moon to be fade. The fragrance of Priya Ji’s limbs attracted Shri Harivansh Ji. As a result, due to that fragrance, “Priya ji! Where are you? Where are you?” saying this, Shri Harivansh Ji soon entered that forest, and in a while got mixed in Shri Priya Ji’s limbs. Thus on the full moon night of Ashwin (Oct) in 1609, Shri Hita Ji disappeared from this material world and entered in Nikunj Pastimes.

Divya Kamal Shri Yamuna Kool. Vat Bhaandir Nikat Ras Mool.

Santat Jahan Bhanvaran Ki Bheer. Sheetal-Mand-Sugandh Sameer.

Jahan Biharat Shri Ravani-Ravan. Taakau Naam Bhanvarani Bhavan.

Sharad Maas Raaka Ujiyaari. Pooran Shashi Ju Prakaashit Bhaari.

Priya-Jaunh Mein Yaun Mili Gayi. Tihi Chhin Sahachari Sambhram Bhayi.

Kahat Ki Kahaan-Kahaan Ho Lali. Saundhe Ke Dore Lagi Chali.

Drishtaantar Yaun Shri Harivansh. Mansarovar Ras Ke Hans.

Bhanvar Bhanvarani Mein Dou Chalain. Shri Hita Ju Tin Sang Hi Ralain.

Samvat Sorah Sai Ru Nav, Aashvin Poonau Maas. 

Ta Din Shri Hita Jag-Drigan, Kiyau Apragat Vilaas.

Shri Hariram Vyas ji, as a result of the departure of Shri Harivansh Ji, has described the plight of the Rasik society of Vrindavan and his heartfelt anguish –

Hutau Ras Rasikan Kau Aadhaar.

Binu Harivanshahi Saras Reeti Kau Kaapai Chalihai Bhaar.

Ko Radha Dularaavai Gaavai Vachan Sunaavai Chaar.

Vrindavan Ki Sahaj Madhuri Kahihai Kaun Udaar.

Pad Rachna Ab Kaapai Hvai Hai Niras Bhayau Sansaar.

Badau Abhaag Anany Sabha Kau Uthigau Thaath Singaar.

Jin Binu Din Chhin Sat Yug Beetat Sahaj Roop Aagaar.

‘Vyas’ Ek Kul Kumud Bandhu Binu Udagan Joothau Thaar. 

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